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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Path of internal empowerment
What does it mean to choose internal empowerment? It means that who you are is more
important than what you do, and what you understand is more important than what others think. It
means you practice personal wholeness, a process by which individual integrity is maintained regardless of the external situation.
What do you gain from the process of internal empowerment? You gain freedom of personal
action. Since all decisions are based on your personal value system, the possibility of interference is removed. You are not dependent on external criteria or results. It is not what you do, but who you are in the processing of doing or not doing that is important. You maintain a goal of trueness to self. Inner calmness sets in and you are able to focus and not lose momentum. There is an efficiency of thought and deed. Power is not split between two courses of action, but used in a consistent manner. Emotional overreactions are eliminated and therefore complications based on fear are kept to a minimum. You easily release counterproductive situations and personality traits. You control yourself internally and remain fearless. You influence others indirectly through the power of your calm presence and example.
Issues are handled rationally by all parties. De-escalation occurs. Power is conserved.
Techniques for gaining and maintaining internal power
For internal empowerment to occur, growth and inner transformation must be emphasized over
external results. Those who are sensitive to inner transitions understand the movement taking place regardless of external circumstances. You detach from what others think. You accept conditions as they are. This is the way of no resistance and there is minimal pain when it is followed. If two people fight over a rubber band, the one who lets go first doesn’t get hurt. To truly practice the path of internal empowerment you must know when to let go and then do it with great regularity. The way of no resistance is the course of action to chose when there is nothing you can do which will make a difference in the long run. Matters are out of your hands. Any attempts at controlling outcomes lead to frustration and lost
power. This is also the course of action to take when you are in a very weakened state and have no more to give. You must focus inward on recover.
It is natural to want to fix things. But sometimes we try to fix things that are not our responsibility.
It might be better not to take action and allow situations to develop on their own. This conserves energy and power.
Internal loss of power
For some, gaining power starts with preventing the loss of power. Certain character traits can
erode personal strength. Reactionary blind spots get you in trouble. Psychological buttons bring forth an immediate response of a less than intellectual nature. As you get out of control, fears arise, tempers flare and conflicts escalate. Weaknesses must be recognized and corrected before someone uses them to his or her own advantage against you.
You can also lose power by remaining in circumstances which are nonproductive and draining.
These situations have no maintaining power of their own and are only preserved through the force and power of your own will or someone else’s. I am speaking specifically of relationships and positions which are passe. Healthy circumstances will be sustained naturally and will not require extraordinary methods or effort.
Some people use psychological insights to control and block their own growth. They set up a
negative pattern of stagnation wherein information is not accepted, but twisted to fit previously conceived notions about life and self. Insights become weapons against growth and understanding.
Contradictory realizations are suppressed or misinterpreted by the ego. A fixed mind-set is imposed on all information. In a very negative situation such as this, the power associated with increased Plutonian awareness and its creative potential is never realized.
Misuse of the inner Plutonian process creates an inability to continue on the life path until issues are resolved and lessons are learned. Stagnation occurs when the individual is afraid to progress to the next level of comprehension and misinterprets all available information.
Path of external empowerment
What does it mean to choose external empowerment? It means to take action. If you have an idea
that can make the world a better place, you implement it. The emphasis in not on what you think or know internally, but the application of knowledge to an external situation with a specific purpose in mind.
Results are important and sometimes the ends justify the means. What you accomplish is more important than who you are. You establish a goal and go for it, holding to the highest good for all those involved.
Personal power is used to make things happen and if it is done correctly, empowerment occurs.
What do you gain from the process of external empowerment? You gain results, confidence and
position. The environment changes because you directly influence others and situations. You gain
freedom of action since you are the one in control. In the best of circumstances, many of the participating parties become stronger because of the empowerment process.
Techniques for gaining and maintaining external power
One way to gain external power while also conserving energy is to anticipate and circumvent
problems before they occur. Energy follows thought. There is a natural progression to every chain of events. Those who are perceptive can anticipate the next move and stay one step ahead of the game by using de-escalation techniques to defuse explosive situations. Respond to anger with calmness and intelligent insight. Create alternatives and negotiate compromises which are win-win situations. Provide avenues for the release of tension before things get out of hand.
To gain the most empowerment from this path, kinetic interactions must occur. This leads to
the creation of power for all those involved. Perhaps an example is the best way to clarify this process.
The Dalai Lama, who is an exile from his own country, preaches and practices nonviolence in all things.
Others have been drawn to his teachings and he has gained a following. He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner
and 1991 has been called “The Year of Tibet.” Many people are being empowered by his insights, but he is also gaining external empowerment from the kinetic interaction. Anytime anyone establishes a goal which is clearly good for all those involved, it catches fire and is embraced. Kinetic interactions create power for all those involved. To walk this path you must be as concerned with the welfare of others as you are with your own gratification. When others realize your good intentions, all fears abate and creative solutions arise. In daily living, seek out those situations of heightened power and kinetic interchange.
External loss of power
One reason for losing external power is a lack of concern for others. There is no respect for the highest good of anyone. You defend your territory only and do not care about the implications to others.
Others perceive a threat to their position and barriers go up. Fears magnify and defensive and offensive attacks begin. Power struggles ensue. No one is totally right and no one is totally wrong. Everyone is caught in a cycle of reactionary responses that only complicate issues. Always be aware of the interactive process and the role you play in any battle. Blaming others for your problems distorts perceptions of self.
The other reason you lose power is a lack of concern for self. You undermine your own position or surrender power to others. A world without struggle is an ideal, and not reality. At some point in your life it may be essential to take a stand. Certain injustices must be corrected for everyone to progress.
Sometimes the only viable option is to fight back. Always be aware of the struggle you take on. Go for the simplest task that gets the job done. It is usually easier to correct a situation than to convince your opponent he or she is wrong. It is easier to get forgiveness after the fact than permission before. Seek the quickest solution. Do not get locked into unnecessary long drawn out struggles. Do it up right and get the job done. Power struggles are expensive in terms of time and energy. Some are essential to growth, others are self-inflicted. Know the difference and don’t waste your time on unnecessary or nonproductive conflicts.
The most efficient use of power exists on the internal plane. It is much easier to use energy to
control your own reactions than to seek power externally. However, there are times when you must take action. In these instances, wield power wisely.
Book found and read while transiting Pluto over my Moon..
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